Sunday, January 9, 2011

thriftiness can be good!

i managed a spot'o'op-shopping during the Carrie deconstruction (photos of that later on,..sob!), yesterday,..

look what i picked up!

these super cute, retro salt and pepper shakers.
this lovely, vintage, chinese ginger jar.  so cute with my pink hydrangeas.
this pretty, girlie dressing table hairbrush,...and a gorg glomesh wallet.

all for no more than the spare change i had in the bottom of my bag!


happy sunday everyone.

jane xx 


The Thinker said...

Very envious...I never find such great stuff when I glean the op-shops!

Aunt Annie said...

Op shops... my favourite destination!! Love the ginger jar in particular.

I think there's a certain flair for 'seeing' things in op shops... one of my friends once swore she couldn't find the outfit she wanted in my favourite Sallies' shop (the one where I found the dress I wore to my son's wedding!), so I took her back there and put something together for her- yes, it WAS there... it's having the eye, I think, and knowing which shop is good for what because you're a regular. PJ obviously has The Eye too!!!

plain jane styling said...

I never used to be able to find anything,.. but i was shopping in 'boutique' mode. you need to concentrate on 3 things when op shopping,...1) colour - scan your eyes around and look closely at things that catch your eye. 2) condition - is it in good condition? is it something you can see yourself turning into something else. 3) price. cheaper = better!