i am working on a shoot this week. it is for a dear friend of mine who has cleverly, set up a plus sizes maternity clothing company.
check miss. nadine out here.

this week we are shooting her new seasons range, and she has asked, as a favour, if i can come along to help style the shoot.
there is nothing that i respect more than a fellow mum who is going great guns with her business. even if it means working a day for free.
so,..i have been wandering around my house, mentally putting together a list of 'props' that i can bring from home. cushions,..jars for flowers,.vintage toys,..vintage books,..interesting chairs..etc. the list may only be limited by the boot space in my land rover!
got me thinking though, about what you *could* achieve if you had a budget for styling.
there are the most incredible things available for hire these days. look in any magazine,..look at the detail. see all those beautiful things in peoples houses. do you think they own those things? nope. stylist hires them.
i was having a read of fellow stylist, pia jane bijkerk's blog this morning, and she had posted something that, as a stylist, made my heart sing.
basically, a very clever lady in sydney, jenni booth, has set up an online props store for stylists. you can order online through very reliable pictorial references,. and they will deliver either onsite, or to your studio the VERY NEXT DAY!
no more careering around the countryside on fruitless prop searching missions!
got me thinking about other clever stylists who have gone down the same path.
there is miss. megan morton in sydney who has set up the propery, a bespoke prop hire business.
and in melbourne there is prop'd. set up by guru stylist, glen proebstel and production offsider, rachael hart.
and the lovely lyn gardiner in melbourne hires out props, locations and vintage sports cars through her business empire vintage.
so,..next time you are having a product photographed,...or you are selling your house and want to have some amazing photographs taken, add a stylist into your budget.
will be well worth it.
jane xx