Monday, March 14, 2011

operation window seat.

i want a window seat.

i have a country house...therefore i **need** a window seat.

so, i am putting it out to the universe,.beginning with these divine images.

i'm feeling it,...

universe,..make it happen!

jane xx


  1. I want one too. We have the perfect bay window which currently has a couch in it. Only trouble is how do you make a comfortable window seat? If you work it out can you please let me know? Not only would it look divine but the storage would be fabulous!

  2. divine pics a window seat too with concealed storage...dream!
    Have a great Monday :))

  3. Window seats are part of my inner dreaming. My Polynesian grandmother had one in her country house- I would spend hours on it looking out at the garden. Do it!

  4. love these shots, I am looking for ideas for a window seat so these were great
