Saturday, January 1, 2011

welcome home carrie!

we collected our 1950's caravan during the week,.. it was a massive task with 3 small kiddies in tow,..and then a caravan in tow!

along the way home, we were passed by many, many other vehicles,.and it was amazing to see the smiles on peoples faces,..the thumbs up,..the honking of horns.  all for a cute little caravan.  i'm sure she brought back many memories for people in those cars.

i am not going to post terribly many pictures,..cause she is pretty, well, very grotty.

she is safely resting in a corner of our carpark area...ready for work!

all i'm missing is a gin & tonic! (the gin will be in the fridge when the renovation is finished).
the inside is completely original and the plan is to change the colour scheme.

there are some lovely old fabrics being used as curtains inside.  i am planning on turning them into cushion covers to retain some of her history.

let the work begin!

jane xx


  1. Oh she is a BEAUTY! Can't wait to see her in all her former glory. Fab!

  2. all her 'new', former glory, B! Her original former glory revolved around powder blue,..shudder,..

  3. soooo cute & good luck with the reno work on her
