Monday, December 27, 2010

coffee table lust,...

so,....i was complaining to my long suffering husband today about our lack of coffee table in the lounge room.

we have a massive lounge room,... massive.  with a big thumping gap in the middle for a coffee table.

a table styled with shells,,..books,..candles,..sigh.


he disappeared,..only to return with the makings of a table!

much banging later,..


made from industrial caster wheels,..steel,...rivets and a wooden frame...

i love it!

yay,..i have a coffee table!  one that is now covered in candles,,..books and shells.

jane xx


  1. That's lurve... it's fascinating! Where are the legs? It looks like it's suspended in space! Good on ya Mike!

  2. there are no legs, AA! just giant industrial wheels attached to the underside. :) pjxx
